A THREAD: *Deep Breath* This is a big one. [And I want to preface that with everything I say, I am only speaking from my own personal observations and cannot speak for my peoples as a whole.]

Dear Hollywood... [1/14]
With the turning tides of change happening in our country, and in our industry at large, there's been a HUGE movement to incorporate more authentic #Indigenous & #Native storytelling. That is absolutely wonderful. [2/14]
The WGA Native American & Indigenous Writer's Committee & @_IllumiNatives have put out several letters & resources in relation to this. There's not a moment we're not thankful for it, since its been years, decades, centuries of us hoping to be included in your narrative. [3/14]
For some of us, these drops of water in our parched throats are the only thing that keep us going. But it is only *a drop*.

Many outsiders that are telling our stories and writing us as characters are only hiring us as *consultants*. [4/14]
We understand that may be all you have in your budget. But when this happens, and you pick up your next show or tell your next story that doesn't happen to have a Native in it, we notice that your rooms or features *still* do not include us for *some* reason. We see you. [5/14]
As a reminder, no matter how hard you try, you cannot and will not be able to accurately represent us without having one of us involved with your story at the core level. Hiring us only as consultants isn't enough. [6/14]
It's something. It's a step in the right direction-ish. But it isn't enough. Not getting involved with our causes or our representation outside of that one Native episode you have is, yes, detrimental. We see an olive branch, only to discover its poison ivy all too late. [7/14]
#IndianCountry has been hit the HARDEST by Covid. The Navajo Nation is experiencing a 2nd deadly surge, after suffering the country’s highest per capita infection rate. On one rez in South Dakota, 1 in 10 are testing positive for Covid. Crow Creek is nearly 1 in 5. [8/14]
I have been hit up relentlessly for consultant referrals as our people are dying & missing in unfathomable numbers, fighting actively for our land back, & pushing against some of the most cataclysmic environmental policies in history, thanks to this current administration. [9/14]
Telling stories about us right now as we're being strangled by the systemic pain cultivated at the hand of your promise land takes more than just consultancy. It takes a promise too. [10/14]
We need patience right now. We need help. We need grace. We need consistent work, outside of just work writing about your Native stories and characters. One of my cousins was a consultant and had to stop because of Covid. [11/14]
Another one of my relatives is juggling so much to preserve what's being lost, that he can't consult. This eagerness is appreciated. But please, I beg you, spread it out. We can't do it all right now. Not for your own personal peace of mind. [12/14]
Understand what's happening at the ground level. Please. It may require more time. More money. More work. And yes: hiring us on staff, promoting us, paying us as producers as well as writers, and more. [13/14]
But if you truly want to be an ally, and do this right, leading with a good heart and clear conscious, it takes MORE. It just does.

Signed, with a pained heart & good mind that carries the Great Peace, Kelly. [14/14]
You can follow @kellylynnedang.
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