So today on the #TransDayOfRemembrance I would like to do two things, first to say that supporting trans and non-binary folk is an essential and necessary part of feminism, Feminism that does not include trans people as truly equal participants is a corruption of the very ideal.
Second to call on cis Feminists in particular to clearly and unequivocally denounce terf ideology. Trans Feminists have been doing this work for too long and it should not be their work to do, especially as they continue to be underpaid and underrepresented.
It is the job of cis feminists and particularly cis women to loudly insist that the gender critical ideology which would see so many trans people terrorized and which contributes directly to their murders not be allowed to stand up and call itself feminism.
We should starve organizations that support this ideology of our money and our labor and insist that those organizations we do support not only State unequivocally that trans rights are human rights but have trans people as leaders and compensate them for their time and effort.
Having said all this I invite you to start in your own life and social media feeds, follow and support trans people like @girldrawsghosts @lisaquestions @maidensblade @AnaMardoll as well as many others. Learn from them. And feel free to add to this list in the replies.
You can follow @grrlintersect.
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