I am once again appalled by the comments of Mr. Neufeld on social media and I am renewing my public calls for him to resign as a school trustee. 
It’s reprehensible that his offensive behaviour continues.
1/5 #bced
In addition to targeting the LGBTQ community, and peddling conspiracy theories about Dr. Tam and COVID-19, he is now targeting ableist slurs at individuals.
It’s time for him to step down.
2/5 #bced
I applaud the @ChilliwackSD33 Board of Education’s previous decision to remove him from all committees and not to allow Mr. Neufeld to interact with any of their schools, as his view points are in stark contrast to the promotion of safe and welcoming schools in B.C.
3/5 #bced
I’m now looking at all possible options that Government may have to address this situation. Under the School Act, Cabinet has the power to remove an entire board but not an individual trustee.
4/5 #bced
I'm also calling on the @bcliberals to denounce Barry Neufeld and his harmful comments to people with disabilities. 
#5/5 #bcpoli
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