Some may recall I took great exception to the way BBC Look North from Hull ran a serious of inflammatory news items a few months ago about cyclists. I lodged three formal complaints. We had "new rules for cyclists", "road wars", and use of "thisismoney" stories to target us
We also had cyclists labeled "lyca clad" to denigrate and the use of the ABD who claimed pop cycle lanes broke the law. My detailed complaints have taken months to process and the BBC have still not addressed them all. Today I got a follow up to my initial complaint
I actually asked them to address all the points raised and send it to the next stage. Initial response failed to say there were more stages in procedure. They failed until today to give me a copy of complaints procedure. One of my concerns is the use of social media.
Another is the use of the ABD as being some sort of appropriate organisation to seek views from. Also how they source stories which lack any local foundation for reporting. They fail to speak to any local cyclists of course.
My intention is to continue with my complaints. Since I made these complaints a draft set of NUJ guidelines about road safety and their reporting in the media are in circulation which I think supports my concerns about the BBC's lack of objectivity when it comes to cycling
What really caused me concern was the running of provocative stories, then inviting ill informed comment. Any cyclist who has been subject to abuse, close passes or threats of violence knows only too well these stories are just lumps of red meat thrown to our abusers.
Got 20 days to lodge at the next stage. I suspect they think many will just give up. Sadly being a bit of bureaucrat I cope just fine with this bollocks. It ain't right innocent cyclists should be abused by a publicly funded broadcaster.
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