I loved the way #Supernatural has ended. More important than my feelings though, I want SPN fans who are frustrated or angry with the last few eps to know: there is a difference between not liking an end and being betrayed by a story /1
First in the subject of shipping, just because the story didn't involve the romance or reunion you hoped does not mean the story betrayed you, because nothing in the narrative promised you that end, nor was it built up. The show was never about romance, it was about family. /2
If you don't think that's true I encourage you to watch without shipping goggles on. And while a story has to stand on its own, it ought to be said that no one on the cast or crew ever indicated it would end or develop any different than this. /3
Next on the subject of deaths: we've known forever Dean would go down swinging. That was promised by the story time and again. There's no longer any monster or demon or god really able to take him down, and he was human. Human. He died in a human way of a human wound /4
And he did it saving brothers. If you think it lacked pizazz, that's the point. The point is humanity. Nothing gets to claim killing Dean Winchester, there's no vengeance for Sam to seek. That's beautiful, not disappointing, and the only way for that death to be final /5
And if you're disappointed in Cas's ending, remember that he was *happy*. The happiness is in the being, not the having. The entire point is that it doesn't matter to him that he'll never be with Dean, he can still love him. /6
And now Cas can sit with his son Jack, God, in a heaven without walls. His narrative built up to a beautiful sacrifice which should be cherished. All of their narratives did in their own way. Again, as was always foreshadowed and promised. Love and sacrifice are the show. /7
And if you're sad he wasn't in the episode with no on screen reunion, remember that even if he's your fave, the show had 3 seasons without him. Its always been about Sam and Dean, and no ending was ever gonna take the focus off the brothers. /8
That's not a betrayal, it's coming full circle on your narrative promises. Dean and Sam in heaven together is the only logical end after 15 years of what we've seen, but it's a heaven without walls no because "family don't end in blood" and they can see all their loved ones. /9
So I fundamentally don't see the betrayal. I can see being sad or disappointed, but the story fulfilled each of its promises. No curveballs, no shock value twists. Just love and family and grief and sacrifice and carrying on. As always. /10
For me, it was all perfect except I'd have liked Sam to die sooner, 4 years and a few months after Dean, living exactly as long after Dean died as Dean had lived before him being born, but him carrying on was also beautiful and tragic, a sacrifice out of love for his brother. /11
Ending on a lighter note: the only betrayal was Sam's wig (omg 🙅‍♀️😂). Other than that, the story fulfilled its narrative promises and then some, with love and family at the core, as it has been from day 1. /end
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