1] I am a proud follower of the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian.

I want to share some of why, and some links for those of you who are serious about getting humanity free to dig into this yourself.
2] The world is a nightmare for humanity.

Climate destruction driven by capitalism-imperialism's blind chase for profit.

Millions driven from their homes into razor-wire camps. Drowning in oceans. Trafficked into sexual slavery. Demonized as “invaders" by fascists like Trump.
3] White supremacy is woven into America. Can't be reformed away.

Every hard-fought advance is met by revengist backlash, now in the genocidally racist Trump & his mobs.

Plus, patriarchy... xenophobia... wars for empire... all woven into capitalism.
4] The solution is REVOLUTION!

It is a tremendous thing 4 humanity that Bob Avakian has developed the new communism. A new framework for human emancipation, building on the revolutions of the past – the tremendous advances, also the limitations & errors. https://revcom.us/avakian/science/ba-the-new-communism-en.html
6] Bob Avakian is not like other leaders. He's not selling the myth of reform. He is doing – & has done for 5 decades – the hard work of fighting for real revolution, the overthrow of this system when the conditions for that emerge. https://revcom.us/a/633/bob-avakian-a-radically-different-leader-en.html
7] What's perhaps most critical in all his work is that he has advanced the scientific approach to knowing and changing the world. In this, he is building on the breakthroughs made by Marx, but going much further (including some rupture).

8] BA has rooted out the *secondary* tendencies within communism towards believing things because they might seem to serve the struggle in the short term. Instead, he insists on following the evidence always... even when it is inconvenient or makes us cringe.
9] BA fights for revolution, nothing less, while insisting:

“the new communism thoroughly repudiates & is determined to root out of the communist movement the poisonous notion, & practice, that 'the ends justifies the means.'”
10] BA continues: “It is a bedrock principle of the new communism that the 'means' of this movement must flow from and be consistent with the fundamental 'ends' of abolishing all exploitation and oppression through revolution led on a scientific basis.”

( https://revcom.us/a/633/bob-avakian-a-radically-different-leader-en.html)
11] This is serious work BA has done. It is a gift to humanity.

Everyone who is SERIOUS about ending all oppression needs to dig into the new communism, the strategy for revolution, the leadership BA is providing and learn about who BA is as a person. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=m5UdX0KAgOo&feature=emb_logo
12] I've read BA's memoir several times, studied his books & talks & continue to learn from his scientific method, heart, generosity of spirit & relentless determination to forge the pathways & lead people to fight for full emancipation of ALL humanity. https://revcom.us/a/654/on-bob-avakians-memoir-from-ike-to-mao-and-beyond-en.html
15] BA emphasizes the impor of learning from all quarters, including from people who disagree & even oppose rev & communism.

This is not a sop. It is rooted in an epistemology that recognizes that truth is objective, NOT dependent on who says it.
16] We live in a profoundly anti-intellectual, anti-leadership, anti-scientific time.

This is true not only of the Trumpsters w their blatant lies, conspiracy theories, etc.

It's true of many on the “left” as well, w their snark, identity politics, rumors, revengism, and so on.
17] Anti-intellectualism & anti-leadership obstructs humanity getting free.

Snark, gossip, focusing on the petty, gut-checking, ego are the outlooks of capitalism, mirrored w/in the so-called movements.

They can't lead you out of this world, just sink you back into it.
18] A hallmark of Bob Avakian over decades – seriously, decades! – is his refusal to engage in snark, his insistence on taking on people's very best arguments.
19] There is no ego in Bob Avakian's polemics. They're not waged over petty shit or to tear people down. They are waged over q's that bear on people's ability to get free w largeness of mind & evidence, evidence, evidence.

In this way, everyone can learn more & contribute more.
20] Right now, deep q's are posed:

Why did 70+ million vote for Trump?

What to do about it?

How to get beyond the system that gave rise to this?

How to open up debate & struggle over how we get free, while uniting all who can be united to stand vs fascism now?
21] Bob Avakian is not only providing deep answers to many of these q's... he is asking the right q's... directing attn to things that are life & death.

Much of this is featured at http://revcom.us .

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