#OtD in 1936, Buenaventura Durruti died on the Madrid front of the Spanish Civil War. He had been a lifelong anarchist expropriator, assassin, union organizer, and at the end, militia leader, advancing a revolutionary, working class methodology for fighting fascism.
For propaganda reasons, it was said he was felled by a fascist bullet, though this is contradicted by eyewitness reports and the forensic examination. The actual cause was either a hit organized by Stalinists or the accidental discharge of a comrade's firearm.
Whatever the case,
Stalinists wasted no time in taking advantage of his death to force the "regularization" of the militias, meaning the disarmament of the working class, the ascendance of a standard, aristocratic, hierarchical military, and the end of the revolution.
"We are not afraid of ruins. We know that is all we will inherit, because the bourgeoisie will try to ruin the world in the last phase of their history. But we are not afraid of ruins because we carry a new world in our hearts. And that world is growing right now."
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