@senatemajldr @HouseGOP @SenateGOP @LindseyGrahamSC @marcorubio @tedcruz

Our country is going to pay a dire price for the @GOP Placating Trump during this savage attack on democracy. Our geopolitical enemies are watching the divisions he is creating, they are seeing...
the weakness in our government play out. They are and will take full advantage of that now and in the future. Trump with his burn it down, scorch democracy policy, has decapitated our Military and intelligence agencies all but inviting an attack, China ,
Russia and Iran can all see this they will take full advantage of a weakened America.

We are losing the trust of allies that have keep the peace for over 70 years an alliance that has kept Russia in check and has expanded democracies in Asia and the Middle East....
How can they trust America will be there to support them in a crises when they refuse to address the on-going constitutional crises at home. How can we even begin to claim the Mantle of leadership when we lack leadership here in America.
The COVID virus is out of control in the US soon we will see 300k dead,still no leadership. The R’s will not come out not even save 10ks of Americans all so afraid of a tweet Remember, Lindsey just won his election and Ted his 2 years ago. But still they allow people to die
Their is a void moral Fortitude but their is no lack of cowards. Lindsey, Ted & Marco want to run for President so they are willing to destroy the very house they want to manage. Will America prevail, I say it will not if the Rep-Party continues to Poison their Constituents
With lies and misinformation. They are Corroding the very fabric of our government, the essential trust in elections, the vital belief of the people that America is the land of the free. This current attack by the....
President on our election is not just some side show that will do no harm it will kill people, it will weaken us in the eyes of both are Adversaries and allies alike. It weakens, divides and pits American vs American.
That is the goal of any of are foes and it is what the Republicans are fostering by allowing a delusional tyrant to proceed unchecked by the very people elected to due just that

Chief Operations Specialist (SW) USN Ret
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