1:7 New Netflix series:- plain Ayrshire lass beds her way (artistic licence) up the top of a political party without a vote. Becomes leader after current one loses referendum. She is ruthless in her ambition to destroy UK. Blaming said UK for her looks and bitter little life. >
2:7 On her journey she takes out the country she rules by appointing Neanderthals to important positions, that way together with lavender husband can control said destruction without the Neanderthals asking questions. She even appoints Chief Civil Servant who accommodates her>
3:7 Health, Hospitals, Education, Police, business therefore employment all failing - but the biggest trick of all is brainwashing her following that UK who send up Billions to balance the books are the enemy, while she no matter the destruction of the country she leads - is >
4:7 The saviour -her ratings are high despite her uncaring policy resulting in the death of our elderly. Together with lavender husband they arrange (allegedly) for last FM (who it is thought is making a comeback) to face justice for alleged misdemeanours around six years before>
5:7Assumption is he will be found guilty. Lavender guy is about to put pressure on Police it’s been said. Now it seems the ‘set-up’ (it’s what they’re calling it folks) is under investigation. However, why would the Ayrshire lass and Lavender comply with investigation- they have>
6:7 Destroyed the country they treat as their kingdom with no opposition, media or electorate calling them out, so they carry on doing as they wish, destroying the land and people who believed in them, while UK are seen to be evil. So far folks that’s end of season 1. Will she >
7:7 And Lavender Get their comeuppance in series 2? Well - you call the shots. Use your vote wisely people. Fin?
Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.
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