I am the Chair of the Board of @NeuroClastic

I don't mention it a lot because I find that if I mention the association, my posts are less likely to be shared.

I hate that Neuroclastic has not gotten the publicity as a nonprofit organization that it deserves. 1/
I hate that the work of @NeuroClastic and Terra Vance specifically has not been acknowledged in helping #FreeMatthewRushin, who recently obtained a conditional pardon (and who is still pushing to get him home sooner than Spring 2021). 2/
Neuroclastic has so many articles that deconstruct ABA therapy, promote voices of autistic people who have been through ABA therapy, and break down common autism myths such as functioning labels or autistic people "lacking empathy." 3/
Neuroclastic has helped so many adults of autistic kids learn to support their autistic kids better and helped #ActuallyAutistic adults understand themselves better. Neuroclastic has helped boost marginalized autistic voices, and nonspeaking voices. 4/
Neuroclastic as a nonprofit wants to do more. We are more than just a website. We are a group of autistic advocates. But we can't do more without acknowledgement, publicity, and frankly, money. Please help us #FreeOsimeBrown and prevent him from being deported. 5/
Please acknowledge us. I find it upsetting when people acknowledge me, but not the organization I am a part of. Neuroclastic isn't acknowledged by many other autistic organizations. But we're doing things to help this community. I really hope that this will change. 6/
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