(1)A 13-yr-old girl pounding on her dying mother's chest waiting for help that wasn't coming because DC 911 failed in it's basic mission. In 5 mos no DC official-- @MayorBowser on down--has acknowledged the failure, expressed remorse or apologized to Sheila Shepperd's family(more)
(2) Instead, despite it being well known within the DC government, they kept it hidden. Covered it up. Starting with the questioning of @OUC_DC director Karima Holmes, 4 days after Sheila Shepperd's death & just hours after my story was published. (more)
(3) You don't think the 911 director knew exactly what happened after a major screw-up with a woman dead & her 13-year-old child on the phone 4 days after it occurred? If Holmes didn't, she shouldn't be there. I knew what occurred because one of her employees told me.(more)
(4) Asking Holmes those questions is @charlesallen. Allen makes it clear he's briefed on bad outcomes from @OUC_DC. He hasn't said a word in 5 months. Where's the outrage Allen shows immediately when something goes wrong at the @DCPoliceDept? Where's the oversight? (more)
(5) Does anyone think the Executive Office of the Mayor wasn't told of Sheila Shepperd's death or other bad @OUC_DC outcomes? For a year, @MayorBowser refuses to talk about it, downplays reporting, won't release info & expresses blind support. Here's the most recent: (more)
(6) Notice Bowser told @SegravesNBC4 she wouldn't release recordings. Thankfully, @Comm_Daily got them anyway through FOIA or we still wouldn't know Sheila Shepperd's daughter didn't get the address wrong. Here's a month earlier when @tomsherwood tried to get @OUC_DC answers:
(7) Those last clips were months after Shelia Shepperd died. But @MayorBowser avoided @OUC_DC questions & failed to publicly deal with OUC's constant chaos & dysfunction well before Shepperd's death. Here's @paulcwagner tying to get answers in April about other OUC problems:
(8) And here's @paulcwagner asking in October 2019 about @OUC_DC's confusion & chaos during a Metro collision. Noticing a pattern in @MayorBowser's answers? No transparency & no accountability for the public safety agency that has the most impact on our health & safety. (more)
(9) Now, a day after we finally know the brave 13-yr-old girl did her job & @OUC_DC failed, still no acknowledgement, apology or concern. Not @MayorBowser. Not @SafeDC. Not @charlesallen. Not Karima Holmes. Not the @councilofdc. Where's their humanity, their compassion? (more)
(10) Reporters: Oglethorpe St. isn't an isolated incident. People don't die every day, but they're harmed by delays. I've clearly shown it. A national publication shouldn't be doing your work. You should. And you should be holding @MayorBowser & the others accountable. (more)
(11) Here are the faces of @OUC_DC failures we know about. How many others do we not know about because of the efforts by @MayorBowser to keep this information hidden? When will there be transparency & accountability? When will someone #FIXDC911? (more)
(12) Listen to the chilling 911 call & read more about the pattern of neglect at @OUC_DC- https://bit.ly/3kMyZxB . What happened to Sheila Shepperd could happen to any of us who live in, work in or visit Washington, DC. @brucejohnson9 @AnnWinDC @DcZuty @ChmnMendelson @alanrothdc
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