- 2:15 block starting. Whitmore presiding. Taking attendance.
- Counsel says they were accidentally made host of the meeting, getting messages that ppl are waiting in ‘lobby’; is ignoring them.
- Whitmore asking for duty council for Oshawa, no one responds.
- Duty counsel for Windsor responds saying he’s in multiple ‘rooms’, could help, but connection cuts out.
- Still taking attendance, more bad unintelligible connections
-someone’s had their digital ‘hand’ up the whole time so far
- lots of background noise, multiple conversations audible
- still trying to find duty counsel for a tenant in Oshawa — “Maybe it’s Cobourg?”
“is the person speaking right now speaking to me, or is that background noise?”
Still looking for duty counsel.
“I’m hearing a background conversation”
Everyone is now muted.
Random hand still up. Counsel who is still ‘host’, says duty counsel for Oshawa is waiting in the lobby. Chair says it scrolls by too fast, sometimes he misses them.
Random man standing with the camera pointed at the crotch of his jeans.
1st matter, tenant looking to extend his termination date. Has been out of work, just got work, needs time. Landlord doesn’t consent. Background conversation and people laughing.
Everyone muted again
With the background noise, missed how first matter ended. Moving on.
“Update sheet hasn’t been uploaded to my system, can you reupload it”? Lots of sharing of technical details and urls.
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