Don’t be surprised with progressives and the left gaining more support. The right is advancing an authoritarian agenda, and they will face the consequences. They will have only themselves to blame.
They are terrified with the prospects of a minority-majority country, where the White population that is being outpaced by Latinos. They think disenfranchising is the best mechanism to avoid the inevitable.
They fail to understand that the current population growth in the last three years is not enough, adding to it the shut down of legal immigration, this is creating a critical scenario for the economy in the future.
All this is the consequence of the advance of a nationalist and racist agenda. The one we have witnessed during this term.
I want to continue this topic, given the lack of knowledge some people abroad have about the racial tensions in the U.S.
There are two coinciding patterns: the non-White and Hispanics are growing from the bottom (majority uner 16 in 2019), while the non-Hispanic White category is shrinking.
The decline of White population in the U.S. has been in decline for the past 10 years, but in the past 3 it has been more evident.
From this NBC report: "In 2019, a little under 40% of the total U.S. population was either nonwhite or Hispanic. Non-Hispanic whites are expected to be a minority of the U.S. population in about 25 years."
So, we have a combination of the natural decrease in the White population, non-White births outpacing others, and the immigration shut-down.
"The Hispanic population grew by 20% since 2010, with almost three-quarters of that growth coming from a natural increase that comes when more people are born than die.

The Black population grew by almost 12% over the decade, and the white population increased by 4.3%."
"The nation’s seniors have swelled since 2010 as Baby Boomers aged into that demographic, with the number of people over age 65 increasing by more than a third. Seniors in 2019 made up more than 16% of the U.S. population, compared to 13% in 2010."
"In four states — Maine, Florida, West Virginia and Vermont — seniors accounted for 20% of the population. That’s a benchmark that the overall U.S. population is expected to reach by 2030."
"The new estimates show that nearly four of 10 Americans identify with a race or ethnic group other than white, and suggest that the 2010 to 2020 decade will be the first in the nation’s history in which the white population declined in numbers." 
"In 2016, more non-Hispanic whites died than were born in twenty-six states; more than at any time in U.S. history.” 
"White deaths also exceeded white births in the nation as a whole for the first time in U.S. history in 2016, according to data from the National Center for Health Statistics."
"The growing incidence of this white natural decrease has important implications for the nation's demographic future. America is becoming more racially and ethnically diverse."
This shouldn’t be looked at just within the range of a demographic rearrangement, this has cultural and ideological influence as well.
"Between 1999 and 2016, the number of white births fell by 10.8 percent to 2,094,000 and the number of white deaths rose by 9.2 percent to 2,133,000."
"The growing natural decline among whites in U.S. states contributes to the larger racial/ethnic shifts occurring in the U.S. population."
"The demographic trends underlying the current natural decline of whites and the increasing shift to a more racially/ethnically diverse U.S. population have major policy implications.”

This could be read in different ways: from a Republican perspective, and a Democratic one.
There is very little doubt now that identity politics have played a significant role in the current polarized climate, but that has not been exclusive to the Left: 
These changes are likely creating anxiety among the current White majority in the country:

3 ways that the U.S. population will change over the next decade: 
Dudley L. Poston writes: "Hispanics and the other racial minorities will be the country’s main demographic engine of population change in future years; this is the most significant demographic change Americans will see.” 
Finally, my last point is what @crampell has been writing about for a while, and that I’ve not seen much preocupation for: "We could be Japan, whose unfolding demographic crisis provides some lessons for where America might be headed.” 
When you are a White person, and your kids are the minority in their classroom, that’s a change many are not culturally or ideologically prepared for, and it can easily be used to advance an ethnic nationalist agenda.
Robert J. Shiller writes: "Ethnic nationalism creates an ego-preserving excuse for self-perceived personal failure: Other groups are blamed for bad behavior and conspiracies. Often, ethnic, racial or religious conflict follows." 
It’s not that far-fetched to think that cultural and economic anxieties have played a significant part in the rise of white nationalism in the U.S. However, that anxiety has been fed by some stakeholders: the Republican Party and right-wing media, among other actors.
The most likely outcome of the 2020 election, along with the attack on the electoral system, is the Republican party agenda for the next two years, where they will lead a battle against the right to vote in Black and Brown communities.
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