I'm going to be devil's advocate here...

You know I'm a huge fighter for the creative and art community, but the reason they are labelling folks as IRL is both twitch and OUR fault.

No one's going to like to hear this but many creative folks started streaming in IRL in when... https://twitter.com/TwitchSupport/status/1329575991019245571
..there was a creative community. I understood why, because IRL was were you were getting the views.

Till this day some of the bigger creative folks that have gotten popular stay on IRL so they can keep those numbers.

Yes, five years ago we...
Were treated like rockstar! Creative was great from the creators point of view, we got special treatment like no one other category had. We had a crew of staff just for creative! At the time no one had that. The staff which were the best folks I known!

Ultimately we were an...
Experiment. I am sure they wanted us but we weren't bringing in what we needed to.

Twitch is a company that needs to make money and get views. The staff could love us to death and we all know they work hard, but they aren't the share holders.

That's doesn't mean they...
Want to get rid of us. It's just our audience isn't here yet.

We have to keep working to show our worth. I know it's hard, if you have seen me on twitch you know how many ideas I have thrown at the wall.

I'm not gonna lie but I'm heartbroken too that I don't see creative...
If we ever do get a second chance we have to go all out.

We have to focus on our own game and not hate Music or IRL.

We as the creative community must either realize our audience isn't here yet and work hard while waiting till we build them or embrace the label change of IRL.
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