Allow me to introduce my crystals.
A thread:
This is my Amethyst. It enhances higher states of consciousness. Now my inner voice has an inner voice.
This is my Quartz Point. It draws energy towards or away from my body. I like to hold this one and stare directly into the sun.
This is actually just a rock. No special powers, but with a trained ear and a decent imagination you can hear the ocean.
This is my Green Aventurine. It heals, comforts, and protects the heart. I’ll use this one after each Bachelorette rose ceremony to help mend the broken hearts (Not you, Chasen. Get lost.)
This is my Rose Quartz. It purifies and opens the heart to unconditional love. Very salty, would not recommend licking this one.
These are my Red Jasper, Carnelian, and Tiger’s Eye. These support strength, courage, and willpower. I use them as my juggling crystals.
And finally my prized crystal, my Sodalite. This promotes self-expression, confidence, and trust. I put this directly between my eyes to maximize its power.
Without it, I am nothing. 
With it, I am Gritty.
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