SOME PERSONAL NEWS: Nov. 30 will be my last day with @DailySentinelGJ. I’ve spent more than a decade in GJ telling stories and meeting awesome people. I’m super fortunate to have worked with some absurdly talented folks, both now and in the past.
Friday Night Lights ends (spoilers for a decade-plus old show) with Coach Taylor following his wife to her dream job in Philadelphia. For my next step, I’m following my awesome wife to a rockstar florist gig in Washington D.C. Make sure women in your life can follow their dreams.
I’ve benefitted immensely from Becca putting up with long journalism hours (sports is even worse) and I look forward to paying that back as she gets to chase her dream. She’s been there for me during my entire career in GJ.
I have a couple part-time gigs lined out, but if you know of any gainful employment in Washington D.C. or remote work, I’m your grandma’s second-favorite local journalist and I have a pretty big toolbox to work with.
If Colorado’s 3rd CD has taught me anything, it’s that you can make it to DC on nothing but freedom and a GED. Luckily, I’m a little better equipped than that.
You can follow @jmattmeyer.
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