I don't think people who have good media representation really understand the impact of having very little good representation does.
Stereotypes and bad representation does harm in numerous ways but it leaves #ActuallyAutistic people with little to relate to too tv and film 1/
I'm white so racially I'm not excluded in having white women in media to represent me in that way, I recognise that, but they also don't because I'm disabled too and there is not enough out there with disabled characters, with autistic women. 2/
I remember watching Bones around when we learnt I was #ActuallyAutistic she was relateable to me. I need more though.
We deserve more.
We deserve autistic characters in all our genuine wonderful ways that are autistic in postions in all walks of life, all races and genders 3/
Media representation would also help us be understood and accepted. This year has been big regarding disability eugenics with Covid. Media never helps with thay either.
I've not watched the Sia trailer. My heart couldn't take another example of being looked over. 4/
I have however seen Sia's responses and its awful. Again autistics have been done a disservice and instead of owning up to that Sia hides behind excuses and defensiveness.
This is another way we are neglected, discriminated against and forgotten about.
I'm sure for many this is a one off,a trending topic but for me this is constant and it wears you down. It hits hard and it is endless, the exclusion
I love who I am including being #ActuallyAutistic its just a shame society doesn't share that and help to celebrate it too. 6/6
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