It’s seems from my mentions that I seemed to have riffled the feathers of the ‘suffragentlemen’ brigade

Let me try use this opportunity explain why ‘National embarrassment’ is I feel rather generous description for MP #BenBradley

The reason why we have ‘awareness days’ for women, LGBTQ, black community etc

Is because for many years (and ongoing) they have had to fight for their rights
To be treated equally & not face discrimination

Up until fairly recently, all these groups in law didn’t not have access to equal rights.

Moreover, these groups face different forms of abuse, violence & adverse outcomes due to misogyny, homophobia, prejudice etc

#BenBradley & co. say we need a ‘Men’s day’ due to high rates of “imprisonment, suicide, homelessness”

Implying these problems are due to lack of equality, denial of their rights as a consequence of their gender

Obviously nonsense & Ben knows it (he’s not a complete idiot)

And his sudden ‘care’ for the above issues is at odds with someone who has supported mental health funding cuts
The decimation of our drug & alcohol services
Cuts to welfare
Selling off social housing 🤔

(Evidenced contributing factors of the above)

If #BenBradley had any real intention to address the issues he mentioned, he would be supporting criminal justice reform & prison programmes, Housing first, mass social housing building, Drug & alcohol rehab etc

He doesn’t, as he has no real intention in addressing the issues
It’s the same story when #BenBradley pipes up about ‘white working class kids’

He presents the issue as ‘white working class’ kids having poorer outcomes VS ethnic minority kids

Interestingly, he doesn’t, see an issue, that white working class kids, have significantly poorer outcomes compared to middle class privately educated kids like himself 🤔

If Ben truly cared about addressing educational attainment for working class kids, he wouldn’t have supported funding cuts to state schools , charity status for private schools, youth programme cuts etc

He doesn’t, because Ben has no ambition to improve life opportunities for working class kids

Ben’s only ambition it seems is to keep people like himself in power
Yet he lacks any ideas to improve the lives of the majority
(the votes of which are needed to keep him in power)
He instead fuels misleading divisive narrative

Telling those who (rightly) feel the system is against them, that it’s not the fault of the system of privilege which Ben & co. seek to uphold

But rather the fault of another oppressed group

Classic divide & rule tactic

Straight out of the Trump playbook

To conclude. Ben Bradley may simply be a compete idiot.

But, my fear is he knows exactly what he’s doing.
More concerning in my opinion

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