I was told to stop w/statistics & data. I agree. So how about this:

Imagine the East Coast, Maine to Florida. Now imagine every one of those people starving. Literally starving, worrying about where their next meal will come from, if it comes at all

1/ https://twitter.com/codypd/status/1329830430447529985?s=20
Do you support lockdowns? You may think you’re being virtuous, but you're being selfish. Imagine driving from Portland, Maine thru Boston, NYC, Philly, DC, Atlanta, Miami. Now imagine everybody you saw on your trip starving. All 130 million of them. Those are faces of lockdowns.
Add to that people right here at home so afraid of Covid they stay home while having strokes and heart attacks. They stay home or are delayed from chemo and other life-maintaining treatments. Some sit alone in despair, drinking alcohol or abusing drugs.
Some lash out at spouses and children who have no school or social life in which to find refuge or help - or detection.
Kids growing up spending formative chunks of their lives learning that being close to another human is dangerous and the very breathe we exhale is poison. You don’t think that’s going to have long-term effects?
Alzheimer's patients confused, lost in their own fading world with no one working to keep them afloat – they drown in their isolation. Grandparents denied the joy of one of the definitive pleasures of life - hugging a grandchild or seeing the joy of their faces Christmas morning.
“But lockdowns save lives” you cry.

But denying human contact, scaring people to death, driving people to despair, is this “saving” lives?

And how many lives does it save?
All through US & Europe many places that locked down thought they stopped cases, but it wasn’t lockdowns. It was summer. And when summer was over, Covid returned. Masks, social distancing, lockdowns, all ripped through by Covid like a football team running through a paper banner.
No Proms, no 3rd grade shows in a crowded gym, no science fairs, no big games, no school (that they used to say they didn’t like but now walk around like zombies pining for the interactions).
Shortcomings in education lead to a lifetime of shortcomings, from career choices & earning power, to emotional development & family building.
Supply chains disrupted. Jobs lost. Production slowed. 130 million people in danger of starvation.

It’s easy for many of us in the middle class to hunker down & work from home. Just buy a new computer for kid’s remote schooling & work from the den. Not everybody has that option.
And then there are the elite who look upon us all with contempt for complaining about the interruption to our little lives. At the same time they try to hide the true nature of Covid: it finds people close to the edge and pushes them over.
Before Covid, half of people moving into nursing homes weren’t there after 5 months. It's where we used to place people who needed compassion & care as they navigate the end of their lives. Now it's where we put them in isolation & concentrate 4 of every 10 Covid-labeled deaths.
But the elite still go to parties in Napa Valley. Like Nancy Pelosi, they weather the storm of lockdowns at salons and eating delivered gourmet ice cream stored in their $20,000 refrigerators.

What do they say to you & to the people starving, suffering and dying from lockdowns?
“Let them eat ice cream” https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1250173779227160576?s=20
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