#1 thread

A few days ago, I was listening to NPR (I believe) and the guest spoke on something we should talk about.

Trump's attempt at a coup, will likely end like everything else he does. It'll crash and burn.

However, the fact that we got to this point, and that...


...after everything that happened in the last 4 years, 71 million people looked at Trump and said, "He's still the one" should give us a reason to do some serious introspection and advanced planning.

You see, Trump is a poor liar, uneducated, not very bright and...


...generally an incompetent screw up. The only reason he's a "success" was due to his Daddy's money & massive (Russian-backed) loans.

However, the next wannabe dictator that comes along, might be smart, and careful, yet still use the same tricks and dog whistles to...


...once again fire up Trump's base. Only this time he won't announce what he's doing in advance and commit all the other errors Trump did.

In one way, we owe Trump. He has shown us large sections of weaknesses in the structure of our elections and our gov't in...


...general. We'd better take a good look at all of it and start rebuilding it immediately, because the smarter, "new and improved" version of Donald Trump could show up in the next election or two.

We may dodge this bullet, but next time could end our democracy as it is.
Put this "To Do List" together from that article. Maybe we should put it on our collective fridge. LOLOL

The other elephant in the room is our favorite, the Electoral College.

Ironically, the Founders added it because they thought the masses were too stupid and...


...uneducated and couldn't be trusted not to put some populist tyrant in the presidency, so they thought that a group of wise electors could make sure that didn't happen.

In 2016, the electoral college installed one, so obviously the EC is a failure. That will...


...take a Constitutional Amendment to change, so big project.

In the meantime, only 14 states require their electors to be "faithful" (vote as the majority did)

We are facing that potential problem as we discuss this, so obviously that needs to be fixed first.
Structural things we need to fix, post-Trump thread

This is a must for this thread. If Mitch still ends up running the Senate, how will we be able to fix anything?

Here's the answer.

Go to this link, and read tweets 2 and 3 on the thread... https://twitter.com/JstnGreen1/status/1330633638812155905?s=20
You can follow @JstnGreen1.
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