It is simply more dangerous out there than it was a few weeks ago.

At the beginning of October, 5% of people tested were positive. Now it’s 12.3%. Activities that were safer then aren’t any longer. 1/
34 states are now above 10% test positive. 22 above 15%. Mostly north, central and west but including AZ & FL.

1.4 million new tests/day and it’s clear we’re not close to scratching the surface.
In North Dakota, 2/3 of tests come back positive. Hospitals in Iowa, Wyoming, Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas are growing fairly rapidly. Mitigation efforts in these states are weak.
It is also dangerous because there are 80,000 active cases of COVID hospitalized. Getting a “bed” isn’t the principal problem. But hospital staff are being stretched, more people w less experience & fewer resources. It also means other illnesses get less attention.
Bottom line— the things that felt a little safer are less so than before (that conversation with a neighbor, lingering at the grocery store, traveling to the doctors).
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