This opinion is the most entitled, irresponsible, indefensible thing I have read. I can’t fathom how people are like “omggg this is so dangerous, so many people may die...” AND DO IT ANYWAY??
We ALL want to see our families. Our parents. Our grandparents. Our siblings. Our friends. And yet we don’t. Because we ACCEPT that we can’t. People have said goodbye to families over fucking zoom ffs!
This person went from my bubble is one-hundred strong!! to fuck that shit and fuck science like....what???
If you can’t *accept* that you just shouldn’t go, that rules apply to you; if you can’t center anyone except you and your family while the rest of us suck it up for everyone else, you really need to take a deep breath long hard look in the mirror.
Also a vaccine is imminent!!! so we know this hell will come to an end and you literally can’t suck it up for ONE thanksgiving????
Good ol NYT and its respect for the MaRKeTpLAcE oF IdEAs
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