"45 things you've learned about women in 45 years?"

1-Don't lean in. Pull her into you

2-Remember to facefuck her

3-Be the man she can't control

4-Arguing with her is falling into her frame

5-Men have to create their value. Women have to protect their value
6-Every girl is practice

7-Three ways to her heart

8-You are more important than her

9-If you want to be friendzoned, just be really nice to her and help her with lots of stuff

10-The minute you don't give a shit what she think of you is the minute you become more attractive
11-She is like a child

12-Damaged feet, damaged pussy

13-Being humble gets you nowhere with women. Absolutely nowhere

14-The more joy you have for life, the more attractive you will be

15-The size of your cock is not the problem. The size of your balls, that's the problem
16-Kiss her forehead

17-Complaining isn't very masculine

18-Be so confident that you have an aura

19-You don't get the pussy you want. You get the pussy you earn

20-The stronger you are, the better she treats you. The weaker you are, the worse she treats you
21-Whip it out and WIN!

22-What her pussy conceals, her index finger reveals

23-Taking a woman seriously is usually our first mistake

24-If you want to lose her, just give her more than she gives you

25-Enter her pussy. Enter her mouth. Enter her ass. Do not enter her chaos
26-Pussy is one hell of a drug

27-Be a wild facefucker in a sea of pussylickers

28-Women punish weakness the way men punish fatness

29-If you don't believe in yourself, she won't believe in you either

30-If she shows her tongue on Instagram, she probably isn't gf material 😂
31-More makeup, more lies

32-Beautiful girls don't fuck cowards

33-The tighter her clothes, the looser her pussy

34-Whatever her tattoo says, it really just says SLUT

35-The way she takes care of her feet and hair is the way she takes care of her pussy and reputation
36-Sex starts with a blowjob

37-Licking her pussy is like buying her flowers

38-If she controls the sex, she controls the relationship

39-The way she feels about your cum is the way she feels about you

40-Don't fall in love with an impatient woman, no matter how big her tits
41-If you want to lose her, just idealize her

42-Fuck her like a whore and she will come back for more

43-Love her for what she is, don't hate her for what she's not

44-One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to think she is innocent

45-She will destroy you if you let her
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