1. A reminder, @POTUS @RealDonaldTrump as candidate is not the commander in chief. His corrupt inducement to #Michigan lawmakers is a crime for which @Trump and the lawmakers can be charged and, if a person with standing wants to file the mother-of-all-RICO's, those bribery
2. predicates can be added. I trust the @FBIWFO will have the evidence for the @JoeBiden @TheJusticeDept to be able to get rolling on January 20th. I would also think a lot of top @MIGOP will spend 2021 in court. And fun fact for @SenMikeShirkey @LeeChatfield. They just became
3. infected by the Trump #RICO. By joining his conspiracy they are liable for all the reasonably foreseeable crimes that Trump has committed or will commit. I would think the DeJoy @USPS attack would stick and that they have their fingerprints on it.
4. Enjoy the trip to the @WhiteHouse nitwits. @FBIDetroit @GovWhitmer
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