Young men,

Follow these 7 principles and you'll stand out forever.

// THREAD //
1. Income

Financial freedom is not complicated.

Become skilled enough to earn a decent amount of money

Earn your money, keep your cost of living low, invest as much as you can

Do this consistently and eventually your assets cover your cost of living
2. The body

You need to build your body.


Because it'll

- Increase your confidence
- Boost your energy levels
- Help you protect yourself and others
- Develop your discipline

This is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

You don't need to get huge.
3. Responsibility

Learn to take absolute responsibility over your life.

Blaming others does you no good at all.

It doesn't matter if something wasn't your fault.

Guess what?

The responsibility still falls on you to deal with it.

Get used to that fact, own your life.
4. Women and Purpose

Men who simply chase ass lack purpose

They also get lower quality women

If you place your purpose above women

A whole world of high value options will be open to you

Purpose > women.

5. Discomfort

A life of comfort is a life of mediocrity.

The only way you grow is by stepping out of your comfort zone.

Lift. Build the business. Talk to the girl.

Whatever you do...

Push out of your comfort zone willingly and REGULARLY.
6. Porn

Quit using it.

It's one of the most destructive things you can do.

This one thing will have a profound impact on every area of your life.

It might sound ridiculous but I'm not kidding.

Ask just about anyone who's quit.

Make the commitment.
7. Spirit

Incorporate some sort of spiritual discipline into your life.

Meditation is a great one.

In a world filled with more noise than ever,

You'll find that many successful people take time to sit in quiet.

Just you and your thoughts.

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Figured I'd mention

There's a sale on my guide rn

If you are looking to stop porn or other technology addictions, recommend checking it out
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