Some major adulting going on today. 😕
So, in addition to my own Last Will and Testament, we are finally filing the paperwork to close out my sister’s succession/probate. The headache I’ve gone through these past 11 months (on top of crying myself to sleep every night) is one reason I made sure to have my Will done.
To my fellow authors, take note. Every single book that you own the copyright to is an asset. You want to make sure you leave specific instructions to your loved ones regarding how you want those assets handled once you’re gone.
All states are different, and Louisiana and its Napoleonic Code is in a special class (lucky me), but don’t leave this for you family to have to navigate on their own. It will be a hard enough time for them already.
My sister had actually started the process for her Will. I cold called attorneys until I found the one she’d been working with and discovered that she’d stopped the process on Aug. 21st last year, just before we left for her birthday trip to the beach, our last trip together.
I guess she got busy and thought she’d have time. She didn’t know she’d be gone just a few months later at 46yrs old.

None of us know.

Try not to put this off for years and years, because you don’t know if you have years and years left.
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