How I approach my research, how far I’ve gotten in my career, and who I aspire to be as a scholar and person are all hugely influenced by women in my life

I want to take a moment today to acknowledge them

First and most importantly, I am who I am because of my mom. She is a single mother who worked tirelessly to make sure my brother and I had the opportunity to go to college. My work ethic, habits, personality, determination, and so much more are due to her

As my advisor, @foucaultwelles is monumentally important in my life. Over the past 3 years, I've become a better researcher and human being because of her. She is the best colleague, mentor, sponsor, and advocate that I could possibly hope for in the hell that is academia

My entire research agenda and the way I think about everything on the internet is entirely indebted to @sjjphd and @moyazb. Their work w/ @foucaultwelles on hashtag activism is fundamental. We should all aspire to center marginalized communities in our work as much as they do

Probably the first person I could actually call an advisor was @JohannaF_math. Her class on transitioning to proof-based mathematics changed my life. Without her and her support, I would have drowned trying to navigate applying to REUs, my first exposure to research

UConn professor Masha Gordina was also an amazing advisor. She stepped in during my senior year when I was lost and didn't have academic support from our department on applying to grad school. I'm sure the few grad schools I did get into are because of her

@Shugars has been a wonderful mentor, colleague, and friend. I am in an endless wonder of her passion and commitment to making the world a better place

@jessicadavis_ is brilliant, one of my best friends, and has spent hours with me banging our heads on whiteboards

I learn from all of the women in my PhD program every day. Some day I hope to understand networks half as clearly as @CarolinaMttssn does. @AdinaGitomer is just in her first year in our lab and she's already a research machine

I learn so much from @doroshishka as a communication scholar. I'm so glad she decides to spend some of her postdoc time working with @CoMMLabNU

Our whole lab runs because of Kristen Flaherty and Andrea Barrios, just wonderful people I'm glad I get to provide some mentorship

I benefit endlessly from the women at Northeastern who are more senior scholars than me

@NUnetsi would literally not exist without @coronges

I've learned so much from @tinaeliassi @apastorepiontti @Briony_Swire @LauraK_Nelson Sarah Connell @NUlabTMN even just in passing

Network science is better when we include women in it. The scholarship and our community. It is what it is because of people like @aliceschwarze @dinacmistry @DaniSBassett @az_jacobs @csqsiew @alliecmorgan @AlicePatania @CarolinaMttssn @Shugars @jessicadavis_ @juniperlov...

I still feel like a bit of an outsider in the field of communication, but a number of women have really helped me feel like I belong

@JosephineLukito @JianingJaniceLi @jiyoun_suk @katypearce @beccalew @sgonzalezbailon @shannimcg @doroshishka @sjjphd @RebekahKTromble

So much of my favorite comm/tech research comes from women, and it inspires so much of how I think

@wphillips49 @beccalew @alicetiara @zeynep @zizip @katestarbird @BostonJoan @marylgray @JosephineLukito @evelyndouek @ubiquity75 @safiyanoble @shannimcg @rcpphd

And I have made countless other connections with women on this platform, and they all make this a better place to be

I am 100% not remembering all of the women who have affected my academic career and research. And I apologize if I've left you off this thread, I promise it's my fault and no reflection of you

Thank you all to how you have shaped and will continue to shape my life

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