Canada's net zero act has led to an interesting conversation - either the target and requirements are an important step or it is another insufficient effort by the govt that wants to have it all

To me it signifies that we've swung too hard on the role of the federal govt /1
My basic point is that decarbonizing our economy is such a totalizing and potentially disruptive project that it is beyond the legitimacy and coercive power of even the federal government

So while it must have a central role in guiding this transition it requires other critical implementation partners such as order levels of government and of course industry and other civil society

And here's the thing, there's only so much the federal govt can do to cultivate and support a coalition of climate action it requires partnerships and some actors may not want to partner

If you disagree and you think the federal govt can just force climate action on reluctant provinces, industries and political constituencies then I ask you to pause and look around for a moment

Our governments can't even our are highly reluctant to even force people to change in light of a deadly pandemic - a clear immediate danger starting us in the face. Successful action requires high trust in our institutions and a strong bond in our social contract.

The point being is that the federal govt is situated with a politics not outside of it. The net zero legislation firmly represents that. There is no magic it can pull out of the hat to fundamentally change the politics. That's up to all of us.

So while I understand the attraction of those for climate action to point the laser at the government your passion is imo misguided. Making the 2050 meet zero goal will require transformational change among all of us. The federal govt can help steer but we're at the wheel.
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