On Nov 20, 1989 the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. (Unlike the Yogyakarta Principles this is a binding convention.) Consider how gender ideology and its offshoots flout this Convention. /2 https://www.ohchr.org/en/professionalinterest/pages/crc.aspx
One principle running throughout the Convention is that children have a right to be raised by their parents and families. The state is to intervene only in cases of abuse or neglect or parental separation, and then only by due process of law. [Article 9] /3
Today "abuse and neglect" has been redefined to mean refusing to agree to dangerous experimental treatments, which will probably leave a child sterile, for a mental health condition which usually resolves without treatment. /4 https://twitter.com/wwwritingclub/status/1329181338574970880?s=20
Children have a right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion and states shall respect the right of parents or legal guardians to provide to provide direction to children in a manner consistent with the evolving capacity of the child. [Article 14] /5
Today programs like #SOGI123 indoctrinate children in a gender ideology which defies both sound science and most religions. Parents have to fight even to find out what their children are being taught. /6 https://twitter.com/GilleanSays/status/1313122657563373568?s=20
Children have a right to engage in play and recreational activities. [Article 31] This right is being denied to girls by the elimination of sex segregated spaces to change and inclusion of male bodies in women's sport. /7
State parties shall take measures to prevent "the abduction of, the sale of, or the traffic in children for any purpose or in any form." [Article 35] Surrogacy is a clear violation of this principle. /8 https://twitter.com/PdfQuebec/status/1327013115456843776?s=20
I have no illusions about the effectiveness of the United Nations as a guardian of human rights, but the principles of the Convention are sound and if Canada claims to be a model for the world in these matters, it should follow them.
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