If you're confused about why Trump is tweeting about the threat to Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer even as two Republican legislators from that state are on the way to the White House, here's the explanation. And it has nothing to do with Whitmer. ...
Trump's complaints about Whitmer are designed to remind Republican legislators Mike Shirkey and Lee Chatfield that Trump controls both the mob and the only thing that can stop the mob. It's not a whine. It's a threat. ...
There’s no secret about the purpose of Trump’s meeting today: He wants Lee and Chatfield to NOT certify the results of the election. The nature of his coup is obvious. He just has to convince the Republican legislators that they need to join. ...
Even with everything that has happened since 2016, convincing Republicans to cooperate in an open coup may seem like a high hurdle. After all, being on the losing side of an attempted coup is NEVER a good thing. ...
Trump is underscoring the fact that what Giuliani and Powell do in court doesn’t matter. It’s only the ability to stir up anger among Trump’s base that matters. He doesn't have to convince Republicans of the merits of his argument. He only has to terrify them. ...
Trump doesn’t have to persuade Republican legislators in Michigan that he won. They know he didn’t. He only has to convince them that they will suffer more for not joining his coup, than they will suffer for signing the surrender documents for the United States. ...
Republican legislators in several states have been doing their best to hide. They’ve given vague statements, and attempted to hunker down until the vote certifications are done. Trump is not going to allow them to hide. ...
Trump will make it clear in Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, and Arizona, and Georgia, that any Republican legislators not up for overturning democracy and seating Trump electors, should expect to become the targets of the Trump-supporting mob. ...
None of this means that Trump's coup attempt will be successful. It's just to say that this doesn't resolve to Republicans scheming to overturn the vote and put Trump electors in place just because they can. Trump is trying very hard to make them an offer they can't refuse.
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