I just finished a call with a journo wanting to ask about #Pompeo's moves to recognize colonial settlements as part of Israel, to decry #BDS, and to collapse anti #Zionism and anti Semitism. A few thoughts. #THREAD
Re #BDS: It is not the core of progressive organizing or the heart of a movement, it is one of the few tactics left available to Palestinians and their allies as other tactics have been steadily and systematically maligned.
The US and Israel have always rejected #ArmedResistance, enshrined in Additional Protocol I (1977), as terroristic regardless of actual targets, namely military, and the PLO surrendered that right in 1993 in exchange for entering into the trap of the #PeaceProcess.
Legal efforts at the #ICC, #ICJ, universal jurisdiction, the Human Rights Council, human rights treaty making bodies, have been maligned as legal warfare or #Lawfare to delegitimize legal tactics.
#NonviolentProtest from the #GazaFlotillas to break the siege, to solidarity activists like #RachelCorrie, + the #GreatMarchofReturn where 30K #Palestinians marched to the #Gaza perimeter every Friday for over a year have all been lethally attacked and maligned as terrorism.
Which is to say nothing of the trap of the #PeaceProcess which demanded a politics of acquiescence and where every critique of Israel became a "lack good faith" in the negotiations.
#BDS as a tactic emerges from 1) the ashes of other avenues foreclosed & 2) within the context of the collapsed Camp David talks when the #Apartheid nature of #Israel crystallizes and #Palestinians borrowed from the struggle against Apartheid #South Africa.
The attacks on #BDS now are nothing less than the demand for #Palestinians to surrender and accept whatever open prison arrangement #Israel imposes upon them. And that will never happen- not for Palestinians or any other people struggling for #freedom.
As for anti Zionism as anti Semitism- that'll be another thread- for now: this literally condemns every single Palestinian resisting erasure & clinging onto their homes as an anti Semite. It could not be more racist and dangerous and you should not flinch in saying hello no.
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