Ladies never forget that most men project A LOT. They're just not as good at showcasing their insecurities like women are...they hide theirs more because of their teeny fragile egos. Think about it, our whole lives we've been trained to shrink ourselves and shut up.

A thread
And its only to protect their frail egos. It's the reason why your man will have a pop belly and you'll still rub it and never address it. It's the reason why he'll be s*** in bed and you'll still fake an orgasm. It's the reason why you'll never mention his receding hairline
It's why you'll see a man that's 5'4 telling a model looking baddie that her skin isn't flawless or she has acne in the comments. We are born to protect their feelings but how many of them are raised to protect ours? Projecting and calling it a "joke" is not funny
It's why you have gorgeous baddies chop and screwing their bodies only to settle with basic men who still make them feel mad insecure about themselves. He'll purposely do things to make her question her beauty while his is less than average. Some men will date you only to....
work out what you're insecure about and pick at it (as a way to put you in your place when said confidence makes them feel insecure). Because the social construct of women is to be 'humble' and 'quiet' and to shine the light on their man to avoid them feeling emasculated or weak
You can be beautiful but not too much. You can be intelligent but not too much. Give space to shine light on your "man" and not threaten their ego. Most men are not taught to come harder and be accountable, they're petted their whole lives hence why they become discombulated..
when around strong willed women. They feel inadequate and exercise their power. But in reality I actually feel sorry for most men. Coddling them from a young age does them a huge disservice and doesn't allow them face the reality that they're actually not good at certain things.
Imagine having to come to terms with your wife or sisters being smarter and better than you, when you've been coddled your whole life to believe your mediocrity is actually the best. It's almost like when Karens realise that the blonde hair and blue eyes...
that got them everything they wanted in life was mediocre and from a place of privilege, not because they were hard working, intelligent, deserving and as stunning as the black woman. It really must suck. But yeah ignore projection & back to sender it

Rant done for the day đŸ˜ŠđŸ€—
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