For #TransAwarenessWeek , some of my fav research investigating how gender impacts economic outcomes:

1) "Transgender status, gender identity, & socioeconomic outcomes" by Carpenter et. al. finds transgender individuals have lower employment & more poverty
2) and you cannot miss @LeeBadgett's pioneering work on LGBTQ+ individuals, including this recent paper "LGBT Poverty in the United States: A study of differences between sexual orientation and
gender identity groups"
3) "Trans people, well-being, and labor market outcomes" by Drydakis finds that acceptance of gender identity decreases negative mental health & increases job satisfaction, but transgender people are still more likely to face discrimination & hate crimes.
4) "Gender inequality: Nonbinary transgender people in
the workplace" by Skylar Davidson finds out non-binary people are impacted differently whether assigned male at birth or assigned female at birth.
There's probably a lot more, so please share if there are other papers I should check out!
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