good god we can't get a single break for even a hot second so this is the last bit of disability related labour anyone is getting out of me for like another three days
this is going to be a thread about fucking.
(cw: nsfw) did you know, some disabled people...have sex? And that we....can have partners, who actually find us attractive, not "in spite" of our disabilities?
(cw: nsfw) There's a lot of disabled sex workers! Some of us do it for personal empowerment reasons. Some have to do it for survival. Sometimes there's a muddy blend between the two, but: it's none of an abled person's fucking business! Pay for content or leave!
(cw: nsfw) Sometimes people get fucking weird about it. There's whole movements of people known as "devotees" who fetishize disabled people and sexualize us without consent and often try and get in positions of power over us, and that's fucked up!
(cw: nsfw) but there are also people who don't get weird about it, and just find us attractive and rad as who we are. if you get your brain in a twist about the idea of visibly disabled people in consensual romantic relationships and having sex: you're ableist! Work on that.
(cw: nsfw) Support disabled sex workers and disabled people considering sex work for survival so that people don't have to do survival sex work! It's that simple!!

this concludes the thread about fucking.
there could be more nuance on this, this could be a whole two hour thread, but at this point? no. this has now become a "fuck you, pay me" level of rage
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