The way you experience the world writ large will largely be dependent on your own weaknesses.

If you are ignorant, the joke’s on you.

If you are filled with hate, the hate will be abundant.

If you are filled with fear, there will be no shortage of things to fear.
Think of it as a learning exercise.
It’s hard to change, though, because we get attached to the way we see the world. Doesn’t matter if it looks ugly to us, it seems to impart some order — we “know” it exists this way.

But if you want a better world, you’re going to have to destroy the earlier models.
Sure it can. Doesn’t change the fact that an insistence on remaining the same necessarily implies that nothing will change.
Each iteration of your world is not “bad”. It serves a purpose. Yet it will persist until you get the point and switch up the settings.
My world, like most people in this present pocket of reality, had a fear-based disposition. I’d find some sort of closure on one fear, and go looking for the next.

When I decided to change, I began ignoring the fear stimuli. The world is 5 shades brighter and I am...
No less “prepared” for danger than I was before — the reason I justified to myself why I should attach myself to fearful scenarios.

In fact, I’m more prepared. Because the fake world is just a distraction from the real one.
Of course it’s projection. The world is a projector.
This isn’t to say you can will bad shit not to happen. It’ll happen whether you fear it or not. It’s about recognizing what you can do now, the moment that actually exists.

It’s about using your will now and letting the past and the future worry about their own problems.
One theory I’ll never be able to test is that if I were to actually be in someone else’s world, even someone in my own family, it would appear like a completely alien planet. Unfamiliar, in totality.

And if that’s true, what makes us think our worlds are immutable?
There will be some similar landmarks. Things we were all convinced were true, and that by virtue of that, are true, in our worlds.

I mean, that’s what “they” do. They make our individual worlds more homogeneous and seemingly unchangeable so it is more manageable to control.
A fake and simplistic view of the world, handed down generations, on the “shoulders of giants” — also referred to as culture. Most of our view of the world is ceded to people who “knew better”, and thus that’s how the world “is”.

But how much of our imprinted world have we...
Actually verified for ourselves? How much is just a program running from the pages of textbooks, falsely claiming that further inquiry is unnecessary, because the “science is settled.”

No, I think reality is much more playful than we are led to believe.
This is not solipsism. What’s real is individual pockets of will, floating above time and space. The waves of each field of will stretches outward, interacting with other fields of will, creating a composite field that can be referred to as self-actualizing fate.
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