Hey so perhaps the reason college-educated women are angry isn’t because their degrees are useless but because people for whom college was/is not the ideal path keep insisting that college degrees are useless for virtually all women.
*a thread*
Anecdotal example, so take it with a grain of salt, but I went to college and got a humanities degree (you know, one of the degrees everyone loves to crap on and say is useless/bullsh*t). I got a full-time job in my field. I met my husband by going to college.
Also, getting to completely move out and live hours away from my house steeped in sedevacantism gave me the opportunity to freely explore Catholicism in a way I didn’t get to do living at home, which allowed me to finally take the plunge and convert after my wedding.
I would not ever have grown as a person if I did not go to college. I was the type of gal who needed to be forcibly pushed into living independently in order to learn how to take care of myself, because I am a slow learner, yet all my attempts to grow at home were squandered.
The easiest way out of a household environment (no disrespect to the parent who had no control over how we were being raised) other than marriage, is college. I did not know my now-husband well enough at the time for him to propose. I NEEDED to get out of there.
And it just so happened to work out for me. I knew I was taking a risk majoring in English, but I was good at it and it was a skill that many teachers I looked up to nurtured in me over the years. I got an office job that promoted me to a marketing position after just 1 year.
Obviously this is not everyone’s story, but before you go off about how certain degrees are useless or how women shouldn’t go to college, please stop and recognize that sometimes there is just as much privilege in saying no to college as there is in saying yes to it.
Because saying no means you might’ve had the privilege of already knowing that your vocation is as a homemaker. Saying no means you have access to other resources and ways to learn that others might not. Saying no means you already have a committed partner to provide for you.
Saying no to college means you probably had a supportive family to build you up and help you become a functioning adult, rather than complain that you’re “lazy” only to turn around and actively thwart any attempts you made to be capable of taking care of yourself.
Maybe you are or were in similar situations as me and still think college is useless and stupid. Fine. That’s on you, and you can have that opinion for yourself. But don’t preach about how it’s the case for every woman, or every person.
So to recap, by going to college I:
-got a humanities degree
-got a full time job in my field, using my degree every day I come into the office
-met my now husband
-affirmed my decision to convert to Catholicism
-learned how to be independent
So yeah, we absolutely should gas up non-college post-high school routes, because those are important too and college isn’t for everyone, but shaming colleges and the women who go to them is not the way to do it.
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