CW: ableism.

I’ve said this before, but why is it that nearly every movie with an autistic main character character is about the fact that that person is autistic? Why not a science-fiction movie with its own plot, and it just has an autistic main character? (1/5)
Why is the plot always based around the fact that and autistic person is autistic? Why not; fighting the evil Galactic Empire, first contact with an alien species, or surviving a monster found on a seemingly dead planet? (2/5)
Think about that first contact idea for a second. I can think of many ways an autistic person might be helpful. We have a lot of experience talking to people that don’t understand us. It’s not like an extraterrestrial species gonna have a similar Neurotype to any human. (3/5)
So people that have been forced to have a, often one-sided, understanding of how to talk to someone with a different neurology. May better understand how to communicate in this scenario.

What If the alien language is largely nonverbal? That also might make it interesting. (4/5)
I know all that sounds potentially inspiration porny, but if a written by/with autistic people it doesn’t have to be. Hopefully though you can see how that would be a much better plot then. Autistic person is autistic. Can we have more interesting plots please? (5/5)
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