I woke up this morning with a lot on my mind in regards to the school reopening debate, so I thought I would take a moment to collect all of the information that has been floating around in one place. 🧵 1/18
Schools in Montreal were also found to be cause of a driver of COVID transmission. Schools in Montreal added a mask mandate in October. I learned las night that Tennessee, among others, have no mask mandate in schools. 5/18 https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/montreal-schools-now-driving-force-of-covid-19-spread-experts
I've also been thinking about the schools in Europe are open while many are closing early here, if they were open at all. In addition to the fact that schools in Europe have windows that open and students and teachers enjoy much stronger health infrastructure, 6/18
I've also been thinking about how places that have truly beaten the virus (i.e. not Europe) did keep schools closed until cases were much lower than they are now. 7/18 https://www.bsg.ox.ac.uk/research/research-projects/coronavirus-government-response-tracker
Of course, unions wanting stringent health & safety requirements are what unions are for. I am appalled that we are leaving behind many Black & Brown early childhood workers from these protections. Maybe ECE should look different, but those workers deserve protection, too. 9/18
To me, it makes a lot of sense to prioritize the instructional method that Black and Brown parents have chosen and make it as good as possible. 12/18
I also feel angry that these discussion points get written off as "anti-science" or as teachers being lazy by a lot of folks–particularly a lot of white men with large megaphones. I wonder why that could be? 13/18
I don't have strong prescriptions for school districts because each district is different, part of the challenge of our disjointed system of education in the United States. 16/18
Some districts could bring back young kids and/or kids with special needs. Others, probably most, given our high rates of community transmission, need to be keeping everyone learning at home. 17/18
This is all really hard & ultimately rooted in federal leadership that completely abandoned kids, teachers, and parents. I'm grateful that starting in January we'll have new leadership. 18/18
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