Sending love to my trans peeps today
As for my cis peeps, I suggest you do some work beyond just watching a slide show of people who have been murdered.
Some stuff you can do:

Donate clothes to a trans clothing swap
Call your reps to tell them FOSTA/SESTA contributes to the death of trans people by making survival sex work unsafe
Give money directly to trans people (NOT to NCTE)
Tell your transphobic relatives why they’re wrong
The list goes on.

But don’t think taking two minutes today to recognize the murders of trans folks absolves you for the rest of the year.

Because, honestly, the murders are just the tip of the iceberg of institutional transphobia.
If you’re in a state with a conservative legislature, start looking into who your reps are and whether any anti-trans bills are expected next year.

We’re going to see a lot more bills to criminalize trans care, prohibit trans kids from participating in sports, etc.
If you want to donate some money but don’t feel comfortable cashapping it directly to someone you don’t know, give it to a local or state org. Local orgs especially are doing frontline work and have an incredibly hard time raising funds.

You can follow @CPHotmess.
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