6 ways to be an effective leader (even if you aren't one).

1) Learn proactively

Effective leaders know what they NEED to know.

- They take time to learn without being told.
- They regularly attend conferences/trade shows
- They get certified in applicable technologies.
2) Learn on the fly

Leaders also know HOW TO LEARN. They can quickly find information for those that depend on them.

- They know how to Google.
- They know who to call.
- They know where to look.
3) Recognize achievements

Great leaders give credit where credit is due.

- They recognize achievements.
- They never publicly criticize their staff.
- They regularly reward a job well done.
4) Make time

The most effective leaders make time for their staff.

- They put their work aside if someone needs them.
- They mentor and support those around them.
- They care about them as people.
5: Delegate

The best leaders know how to delegate.

- They understand the strengths of their staff.
- They assign work based on strengths and time.
- They give autonomy to staff as much as possible.
6) Think down the road

Leaders always see what's around the corner.

- They stay current on industry trends.
- They "future-proof" work assignments.
- They make educated guesses for future work.
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