Good morning!

Today I woke up at the lightest body weight I’ve been in nearly a decade

(Without an intentional water cut for a comp)

Here’s how it happed:

In 2018 I made the switch from PowerLifting to Strongman

In 2019 I battled my first major injuries (ever)

Powerlifting was great to me.

I loved it. I set multiple Jr. World Records & even a few open world records in the IPA federation & hold there 181 deadlift record

I was at the peak of my strength for the BIG 3... & I was burnt out on it.

Force feeding 4-5k cals & not moving

I then decided my mind & body needed a change of pace.

I went all in on strongman.

Another strength sport, but a lot different from Powerlifting

Moving events & overhead press was exercises I hardly ever practiced for max potential

I did well off the jump!

I -
Placed 3rd, 3rd, 1st, 1st in my first few comps through 2018-2020

But it came at the price of my first major injures

A freak accident pressing a +165 dbell with 1 arm I slightly tore my shoulder in 2019 (it’s never fully recovered) & a slipped disc from Trap Bar-ing 800
Both set me back quite a bit.

I battled back & won the 2020 NY Strongest man.

I was proud of that! I Overcame a lot of resistance to get myself in the position to compete again

Then..... the pandemic hit

I have been “bandaging” my body together for nearly 2 years. So I-
Took the time during the pandemic to lay low on training.

Most y’all saw I was out lifting rocks & just goofing around

My body loved it. It needed a break from the heavy weight. It’s been abused for +15 years

I stopped force feeding & training my legs hard (back needed rest)
Then the LbS started to fall off.

Mentally... this can get to lifters.

We all wanna be jacked.

& it was getting to me. But I was also getting healthy & that’s what I really needed at the end of the day

Then we started training again.

& next thing you know I’ve got
Another comp lined up.

Now, approaching it differently.

At a much lower body weight. I’m feeling healthier... moving better... but still under my top strength numbers. I do believe they will come back tho. Even at a lower body weight.
I’m on that quest now.

Everyday I’m working to better myself. To bring a level of strength & athleticism that I’ve never had.

At this lower body weight!!

I’ll compete in a few week in the 175lb weight class.

Mini water cut- my first cut in years.

I’ll plan to get -
Back up to 185-190 after the comp. that’s where I know I can do my best work

My journey in strength sports has been an awesome one. & I still feel like I’m just getting started!
You can follow @ZachHomol.
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