Just got this cool hat at a thrift store, can’t wait to learn all about this ship! I love Navy history!!
I just got back from Wikipedia and I’m PISSED.
I just found out that in a cowardly attack by our greatest ally, 34 Americans were murdered and 171 were injured!

For some reason they even machine gunned the life boats as Americans valiantly fought for survival!! That’s a war crime.
The Liberty sent a distress message that was received the aircraft carrier USS Saratoga, which dispatched eight aircraft. But for some crazy, unexplainable reason, Vice-Admiral William I. Martin recalled the aircraft minutes later. Leaving our men to die!!
In August 2019, the survivors of the USS Liberty Attack were banned from the American Legion, and weren’t allowed to set up a booth at the national convention.

That would explain this:
This is crazy! Despite every major outlet saying it was a mistake, we intercepted communications proving it was intentional! I can’t believe I’m learning about this for the very first time today!
Wow, the US Ambassador to the UN, Arthur GoIdberg, warned lsraeI that the US had audio proving they knew it was an American ship.

Many reports say the Liberty wasn't flying an American flag, which is why they were attacked in self defense by lsraeI, looks like they goofed!
Excellent thread for more information https://twitter.com/Curious_Normie/status/1269283535795310594?s=20
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