Mr. Stress Blues Band
The Brick Cottage
University Circle
Cleveland, OH
January 5, 1979

Includes a rare performance of “See See Rider”

The MSBB played its final gig at the “Sick Brick” on February 3, 1979.

#mrstress #mrstressbluesband
I should note that the band had not planned on leaving the Brick but a massive dispute over money (they refused to up the band’s payout to cover Mike Modlin joining on 2nd guitar) plus docking them pay b/c Bill missed two sets owing to a heart attack was the final straw.
Yes, 1/
you read that right: heart attack.
Dig this: Band played the first set, Bill said he didn’t feel good so went to the ER nearby at the Cleveland Clinic, they detected he had had a minor heart attack, he said he had to get back to the Brick perform, they gave him something and 2/
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