[NEW STUDY] The ocean’s twilight zone could contain huge new #fisheries, but we don’t know much about these species and ecosystems.
So are we ready to effectively manage such a fishery?

👉 https://tinyurl.com/y2l6vjub 

By @MarinePolicy

cc @4kgjerde
Many mesopelagic organisms make a daily migration through the water column - up in the evening 🌛 down at first light 🌞.
This transfers #energy from the productive surface waters to the dark depths below and acts as a "biological pump" that locks away huge quantities of #carbon 🏭
Lanternfish (myctophids) are particularly abundant 🐟🐟🐟 They are a key link in marine food webs, feeding on plankton before falling prey to tuna and other commercially important species 🎣

Photo credit: © Paul Caiger, @WHOI
Lanternfish have escaped our attention for decades because they were hard to catch & process (plus they taste bad and contain toxins), but technological advancements make it possible to turn them into fishmeal & high-value omega 3 supplements 💊
History is replete with examples of #fish stock collapse, but mismanagement of mesopelagic fisheries could have profound global ramifications (see previous re carbon cycle & food webs!)
📜 The #UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS, 1982), the "Constitution for the #Ocean", gave all States the right to fish in international waters, but included little guidance on environmental protection.
📜 The UN Fish Stocks Agreement (1995) resulted in the creation of Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs), but they have generally focused on managing a handful of stocks and have been criticised for opaque decision-making & failure to protect #biodiversity.
International law requires a State to seek RFMO approval for a new #fishery, but a proposal would not be subject to a thorough environmental assessment and stakeholders have no opportunity to provide input or object.
Only States with an economic interest get a seat at the table. This effectively leaves the governance of mesopelagic fisheries, and the fate of the globally significant ecosystem services they provide, in the hands of a few fishing States.
Negotiations for a new #highseas treaty are currently ongoing, providing an opportunity to reinforce environmental obligations. But negotiations are delayed & it will be years before an agreement has any impact on the water https://tinyurl.com/yxq6leps 
Other options could focus attention on the issue, e.g. development of international guidelines (like the @FAO guidelines for deep-sea fisheries) and UN resolutions, but are unlikely to result in effective management in the absence of further efforts.
A range of scientific projects are underway to shed light on the twilight zone 🛥👩‍🔬🧬🧪 🔬 @WHOI @Ocean_JETZON @COMICS_Carbon @SUMMERH2020 #MEESO
Opportunities to advance our scientific understanding & establish effective governance mechanisms are on the horizon, e.g. through the #highseas negotiations & the @IocUnesco #OceanDecade.
👉 https://oceandecade.org/ 
Given the role of mesopelagic ecosystems in the carbon cycle and food webs, one thing is clear: we need to understand and protect the #Ocean’s twilight zone, before it’s too late.
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