This is #TransDayOfRemembrance , the culmination of #TransAwarenessWeek
So, what are Trans Rights? Trans identified ppl across Europe have every human & civil right. They can't be fired or refused housing. On average there is just one murder a year in the UK & across Europe.1/
Conflating their lives & mortality rates with those of prostituted people is dishonest. Unsurprisingly, trans identified males who work as prostitutes servicing men in North, Central & South America, lead short, dangerous lives. But that has nothing to do with 'Trans Rights'. 3/
As a group, prostituted men & women suffer much higher rates of violence & murder. It is disingenuous to use them to prove 'most marginalised..etc, especially when no efforts are made to help them BY the Trans Lobby which is awash with money. Does @TENI_Tweets help them?/4
Do @BeLonG_To Do @Stonewall ???
They are a prop. A protective screen & useful narrative:
In reality, trans activism is white, middle-class, educated, straight & male. The most privileged demographic in the world./5
If they were the "most marginalised" by definition, Google would not be co-opted. Banks, Corporations & multi-nationals would not take part in Trans publicity.
Indeed, Dublin Corporation would not have hung their flag, Vatican-style all along the walkways of our capital city/6
If they were the "most marginalised" group, then by definition they would not be able to force through all the changes in language, law, culture & society. A few short years ago, we talked about pre and post-Op transsexuals, now every week the trans umbrella grows. /7
What other group in the whole world has ever managed to orchestrate such a fundamental re-ordering of society so that their subjective needs & demands would be met? When has this ever happened in the history of Western Civilisation? And it all happened in just one decade. /8
Not the needs of society as a whole, mind.
Not the Common Good. Their OWN demands viz à vis official language, legislation, the fundamentals & basis of society ie Single-sex provision & Safeguarding.
Rights are things like the right to safety, to live free from violence....9/
the right to an education, etc. Trans people have these rights. What will happen on Trans Remembrance Day in Ireland where there have been no murders to commemorate? Ah Yes! those prostituted TiMs from the Ghettos of the Americas will be exploited once more /10
by a Movement that does nothing to help them. How much money do donors like Jennifer Pritzker
Hyatt heir & US Military Colonel, give to outreach of those prostitutes? And how much to lobby Power to affect changes in law, language, society, schools. /ENDS
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