I get that Tucker is likely under internal pressure and that a lot of people on Twitter also feel this pressure because the corrupt media keep braying about EVIDENCE, but how hard is it to say, Let's wait and see what Sidney Powell has? Is it a sin...
...to not present this evidence to on cable news?

Is it a sin to not present this evidence to a media that only want to undermine it, lie about it, and intimidate anyone who signed an affidavit?

Is it a sin to wait 10 to 14 more days to see if she has the goods...
...like she claims?

Does it not make perfect sense that in an an environment so toxic that even Tucker apparently caved to the pressure, Sidney Powell is going to take her time and present it to a court instead of into a maw of media hate desperate to personally...
...destroy her and declare even a smoking gun a hoax and an act of violence?

If she doesn't have the goods, she's done. She'll become a national laughingstock and will deserve it. I'll be pointing and laughing.

But for anyone, especially Tucker, to prematurely...
....WAAAAY prematurely make it all about him and his show and "You didn't show me so rather than wait I'm going to tell everyone you didn't show me..."

What is that?

What purpose does that serve other than to take the pressure off Tucker?

We're going to...
...know in a couple weeks if she put up or needs to go away forever and shut up.

I'm an adult. I can wait. Adults don't allow the media to get under their skin. Adults can look at Sidney Powell's reputation and say "She deserves the time to do this right before I break weak...
...and break down and join the neurotic pile on."

What is the harm in saying, "Lets see what she's got in a couple weeks?"

Personally, I think it would be RIDICULOUS for her to present evidence on fucking cable TV. This isn't a game. This isn't sweeps week.

...about how absurd it is to want Sidney Powell to present something as potentially important as this on a cable news show.

Have we gone out of our minds?

"Oh, she must not have proof of what could potentially be...
..."the biggest scandal in political history because she's scared to make her case on .... a cable news show."

Suddenly we're so brainwashed and diminished as a culture, criminal cases are either presented on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" or considered bullshit...
...That's the kind of culture Dystopian movies predicted, but did so for laughs because it was so absurd.

Stop being pussies, everyone.

Be adults. How can you allow the Russia Collusion Hoax/ Jussie Smollett/Fish Food/Rodeo Clown/Covington/Avanetti/Kavanaugh...
...media pressure you into anything, especially something as dumb as demading this case be made on cable TV?

She's doing what prosecutors do. Telling the public what she thinks happened, who's guilty, and putting the actual case together in the meantime to present to a court....
...Sorry, you don't present your evidence on cable TV, not even on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'

I know that's hard to believe if you allow the media bubble to gnarl you, but that's how it's done.

If she has the goods, it will be presented where it should, in a court of law...
...where she is under oath and criminally liable.

If she has the goods, God bless her.

If she doesn't have the goods, God forgive her because I won't....

In two weeks we'll know if she's Michael Avenatti and Adam Schiff or not.

But can we stop being babies...
...can we stop whining NOW NOW NOW and give her some time? There is a deadline here and it's not that far away.

Maybe read a book while we wait.

P.S. Fox News is not your friend.
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