"Be cusrious. Even curiosity seems like procrastination at times."
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"Look for disagreements and then seek to resolve for yourself"
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"Keep a beginner's mind...stay open-minded...stay eager....avoid preconceptions"
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"I am a big believer in 'structured serendipity'. I want to keep my mind open to possibilities."
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"Observe. Be fully aware as an analyst."
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"Attention to detail is critical and vital. Recognize patterns. Intuition is nothing more than recognising patterns. If you become accustomed to recognising patterns, anything odd will jump out at you."
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"It is easier to spot bad news than good news - which itself is a good news."
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"Take nothing for granted."
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
Even an asterisk and a simple name search on Google can lead to revelations of great magnitude.
"It is vital for the analyst to be accurate. Accuracy = Credibility"
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"Be careful and fact check....change the font of your report....change the order of sentences...Read bottom to top....do anything and everything that helps to read and check carefully without bias."
@jasonzweigwsj sharing tricks of trade :)
"Always be polite!
Always be patient!
Always be stubborn. Do not give up!"
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"Get the names of secretary, the EA, the "support staff". Give everyone your business card. It really helps. You don't know who will be your source and become useful to you and when"
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"Be a skeptic. Speak discreetly with competitors and customers. Ask about inventory practices and bidding on contracts, accounting practices."
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"Use the "Former not current" function on Linkedin to find ex employees"
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"Never, ever lie, mislead or deceive. Tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. But you don't have to tell the whole truth at the beginning (that scares them off)"

@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"Always be completely open to being proven wrong."
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"Evidence has to speak for itself. If the evidence doesn't speak for itself, your language can not speak for it."
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"You are going to need a thick skin."
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"Don't belabor the word 'truth', which will make you sound as if you think they are lying."
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"If a (investigative) story doesn't make anyone angry, it wasn't any good."
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"Do your homework. You may only get one chance, so always have at least one question ready."
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"Be organised. Know what you know & how you know it."
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"Read regulatory filings & financial statements backwards."
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"Let your source talk as long as possible. Do NOT fill the silence."
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"All bull markets end badly because of inevitable feedback loop"
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"Compounding as a concept is not intuitive. It is a shame that we don't spend more time in grasping and understanding it."
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"Ethics can be taught, but only by example."
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"People who take ethics seriously put it above everything else."
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"All problems wear shoes...(are caused by people)"
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"Mean reversion is a basic truth of financial markets. But there are pitfalls.
1. The mean may not revert on your calendar.
2. The mean itself is always in flux.
We need to recognize these pitfalls and be humble while investing."
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
"I would have loved to have a conversation with Late Floyd Odlum, who was probably the best value investor during the great depression."
@jasonzweigwsj @CFASocietyIndia
You can follow @jaycee77.
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