In previous posts I discussed how and influence op and covert action of type would be executed. Today - with the help of the Hoft brothers - a little more about the tactical execution.

This thread will consider some the relevant actions: 👇
For starters, every vote posting entry over hours in middle of night and early morning have exactly the same percent difference between Trump and Biden in each of 5 or 6 key “swing” states, including VA, which hasn’t even made the scandal stories. This is HIGHLY suspicious and
Each of these “swing” states ratio between the candidates for new entries is different from all the other states, but EXACTLY the same in each of “issue” states. Not possible. And
these “swing” states all follow a pattern. The pattern is stop vote counting so observers leave, big dumps of just Biden votes to make up and overcome the trump lead from earlier voting, and then same ratio incoming for all subsequent vote postings after these big dumps of Biden
votes. This third phase ratio is merely to maintain the fraudulently obtained lead.

1. Stop Count
2. Ballot Drop
3. Maintain

It was an OP.

Biden Campaign, DNC and their IC allies (esp foreign) have some splainin’ to do
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