. @KanganaTeam, @RizwanSiddiquee , here is a thread featuring few of the derogatory/violent threats and statements made against Kangana after she questioned the investigation in SSR case

Please see if any of this info is useful for legal reasons

Firstly, a derogatory art about her was flaunted on the streets of Mumbai. The artist behind this is famous for publicly bullying and shaming a certain section of the people without any fear of the law
Then Mumbai Commissioner liked a tweet which said that the artist should have painted their face instead of just text. In a way, he endorsed this illegal shaming of people on public property
To save face, Mumbai Cyber Crime branch said that no such tweet was liked and the screenshot is fake . But there were multiple screenshots and even video evidences contrary to that. All the People tagged in that tweet got the notification
(4/n) https://twitter.com/DevangVDave/status/1301234293264457728?s=20
Then Sanjay Raut in Saamana declared that Kangana shouldn't come back to Mumbai. He also asked Maharashtra Home Minister to take action against her
Maharashtra Home Minister then also joined in and said that Kangana has no right to live in Mumbai
Kangana over these threats of not coming back to Mumbai made the POK tweet. She never declared, just merely asked a question
Shiv Sena women wing publicly shamed Kangana by beating her posters with chappals
Shiv Sena members also degraded her by posting her pictures on public toilets
Mumbai Mayor backed violence against Kangana saying "girls like Kangana won't understand in a straightforward manner, and will only listen when 'beaten up with slippers' "
Shiv Sena MLA from Thane threatened to break Kangana's mouth, asked Anil Deshmukh to file sedition case
Sanjay Raut called Kangana "haramkhor” after giving open threats
Sanjay Raut also called Kangana "Mental Case" in an IV given to IndiaToday
Maharashtra Home Minister ordered Mumbai Police to open a drug probe against Kangana over a decade old incident. All of this was discussed in Maharashtra Assembly
Drug Probe against Kangana was ordered on basis of Suman's IV but he was never made aware of it. Suman actively spoke against the case and clearly backed off from his statements given years ago
Raut brags about illegally demolishing Kangana's office in Saamana with a "Ukhaad Diya" headline
Raut in Saamana also called Kangana "supari actress" and justified his "haramkhor" remarks
Raut doubled down on Ukhaad Diya comment in Kamra's podcast , making the intent behind the demolition rather obvious
Uddhav Thackeray calls her 'Namak-Haram' in Dussehra Speech . He also made Ganja references and tried to link it back to Himachal Pradesh
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