Gentle reminder that in Switzerland we are still feeling our way in the dark: with a #SARSCoV2 test positivity this high, the # of cases we report is largely linked to the # of tests we do.
While there are other signs cases are going down, we have a poor grasp on how much.

You can see this in this great cantonal graph by @gust_avius.
While tests & cases will always be linked somewhat, it's a bad sign when every jitter in testing is reflected perfectly in cases. It means we can't see exactly how case # are changing.

It's an even worse sign for places like Basel-Stadt, Schaffhausen, & Zug, where a decline in tests hasn't seen a same-size decrease in cases - in some cantons cases have even risen or plateaued despite the decrease in tests.

As long as our test positivity remains so high, we're at the edge of our knowledge about the #SARSCoV2 epidemic dynamics.

We risk rolling back measures too soon, when we still have a very limited understanding of how case numbers are really behaving

It's also a reminder that Swiss-wide estimates are likely largely reflecting the dynamics of hardest-hit cantons, but may be masking what's happening in other places in Switzerland. We must stay aware of the larger- & smaller-scale picture.

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